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my baby's adaptation ability

hello again
it's been a while yaaa.

today I want to share my story related to my baby adaptation ability. On 22nd September 2017, I moved from the United Kingdom back home to Indonesia. Travel with baby 6 months years old was quite challenging. I had to prepare every detail of baby needs and also my stamina. A week before flying to Indonesia, I started to eat and sleep well and also did yoga.

During almost 24 hours flight, alhamdulillah we can manage the situation. Although, at the first flight from Birmingham to Istanbul, we had not that comfortable flight. The plane was so hot, and my baby had a pup. But overall, it was still okay. Then, on the second flight from Istanbul to Jakarta, alhamdulillah my baby slept during the flight.

When we arrive in Jakarta, my baby had several issues:
1. Jetlag
she needs a whole week for adaptation the sleep hour of Indonesian Time. During the daylight, I have to wake up her although she is still sleepy. it's to help her maintain her jetlag. As we know, the different time between Jakarta and Nottingham (UK) is around 6 hours. For instance; when in Jakarta 9 pm, in the UK will be 3 pm.

2. Insects Bite
I never thought that I have to apply care lotion to prevent my baby skin beaten by insects because, in the United Kingdom, there is no mosquitos and other dangerous insects. My baby got beaten by mosquitos and leads to infection which made my baby skin become redness and inflammation. However, my sister who is a doctor recommend me to buy "Cinolon" cream to help the redness become better. and yes now the scars are getting better. 
Furthermore, to prevent insect bites my friend (Chindy) suggest me to use "Buds Baby Cherished Organics - Mozzie Clear Lotion" and yes again its works on Nina.

3. Diarrhea
When I write this blog, my baby just had diarrhea for 7 days. I went to Puri Cinere Hospital a week ago and the doctor gives some vitamins such as probiotic and zinc. At the first day, she got a fever and pup more than 6 times. I can't stand to see her in pain like that. I never expected that she will get diarrhea like this. Because in the UK, she is very healthy. But when she in Indonesia, maybe her immune still in process of new condition adaptation. However, now she is getting better. Today, she pups 3 times a day. Hopefully, tomorrow she will be fine and back to normal.

in additions, she also amazed with Jakarta especially the crowd, the green leaf, and motorcycles hahahaaa... kl ngeliat orang naik motor tu sampe melotot hahaha. She always excited if i bring her to see new environment such as going to the mall, to the park near to my house, to the lake near to my in-law house and swimming with her cousins.

All in all, as long as I can see her smile, I feel blessed and happy.

I love you, Nina, get better soon ya :*

Thank you to read my blog



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