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UK Life Part 4: Bump, Birth & Baby Class - Labour Supporter

8 Months of Pregnancy
Hello again

Today I would like to share about my Bump, Birth & Baby Class. I spent 6 weeks to join this class.
I've got recommendation to join this class from my health visitors. While in UK, every pregnant lady will be visited by health visitors and usually they are nurses from city council. The health visitors will support you by 1-2 hour discussion at your home about your feeling during pregnancy, your conditions, etc. My health visitor's name is Caroline, she was very nice and recommend me to join Bump, Birth & Baby Class (BBB Class). 
At the first time I join, it was very lightening. Because I living far away from my parents and pregnant, so I need a lot of information about pregnancy. However, I also get information from other sources such as app, website, youtube, etc. (jadi bumil harus banyak cari info jg demi baby)

let's get started, What is a Labour Supporter?
Labour Supporter is someone who will accompany you during in labour and give you support physically and mentally. Most of Indonesian people have a husband as a labour supporter, however,  Labour Supporter can be your partner, husband, your Mom and your friend. For me, of course my husband is my labour supporter. Every week, after I finished my BBB Class, I always share what I've got to him. Hopefully, he will know what to do when my due date is coming.

Labour Supporter also act as a supporter not only when the labour is come, he/she also have a role to monitor our pregnancy development and control our diet. As you know, while pregnant, we should take more attention of what we've consume. For example, we should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits,  The Labour Supporter should remind us to eat well. 

Furthermore, the role of labour supporter will be highly needed during contraction sessions. I would like to discuss about the stage of contractions. There are 3 mains stages of contractions. The first stage, when you get period pain feeling, you back will aches and tummy will strengthen similar with the PMS feeling. In additions, your contraction spend interlude 20-30 minutes. At this time, you should take meals for energizing, take a shower, take your relax position and breath deeply (if you do yoga, you'll be aware how to breath well) and call your midwife, doctor and hospital. 

The second stage is when the contraction become intense and you should already at the hospital. You'll be prepared of labour and follow the midwife leads.  The third stage is when your baby born, in this part you should ask your midwife or doctor to get skin to skin with your baby. Skin to skin helps baby to calmly recognize the world and start to breastfeeding, it is good for baby brain development. I will discuss about skin to skin deeply on the next blog.

That's all about the contraction stages. Now, I will share about the checklist for Labour Supporters.
There are 7 things that labour supporter should make sure while you in the first-second contraction sessions.

1. Energy
Is your partner eating and drinking? 
In this part, both of you, the pregnant lady and the labour supporter should take meals for energizing themselves. On the labour, it will spend a lot energy, so both of you have to eat and drink well.

2. Positions
Are you reminding your partner to change her position regularly?
Are you checking that your own position is comfortable and if you are massaging her or holding her during contractions?
As a pregnant lady, we need to be treated well and our labour support should take actions such take a massage us, holding us but in comfortable way. Somehow, we will become sensitive and easy to exploit our anger at this stage. so he/she should be more patience hahahaaa (sabar sabar yaaaa para suami hahaa)

3. Urination
Is your parter going to the toilet every hour?
the Labour supporter should make sure that we are take a pee regularly and also make sure that our water birth not broken.

NOTE: when the water birth is broken out, you must go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY to prevent an infection.

4. Relaxation
Is your partner as relaxed as possible?
Are you as relaxed as possible - are you calling the midwife to be with her from time to time so that you can have a break when you need to?
Are you helping her to follow her instincts?
Is your music switched on?
Are you offering to message your partner??
In the reality, it is difficult to get relax during contractions. However, that time is the role of labour supporter taking part. He/she make sure you can get relax by many ways, such as listening music, massage her, talk to her, call the midwife, etc.

5. Respiration
Is your partner breathing evenly?
Is your own breathing calm, your shoulders loose, your face muscles relaxed?
Breathing well very important during contraction and in the labour. Most of us were join a pregnancy exercise class. we should implement what we've got for respirations part.  For example, we take a deep inhale and exhale regularly in 5 seconds.

6. Rest
Is your partner taking advantage of the break between contractions?
Are you refreshing yourself between contractions (wiping your face, have a stretch, ice cubes, etc?)
Both of you ( a pregnant lady and the labour supporter) should take a rest while break between contractions. I t will help you to maintain you energy.

7. Reassurance
Are you encouraging, erasing and talking to your partner?
Are you listening to your midwife and asking to the information you need and seeking support from her?
Listerning is very important, we will feel painful and complaining all the time about this pain. The labour supporter should listen and pay attention to our feeling at this time. 

8. Pray
Actually, I add this part. As a muslim, I love to pray and I need my partner to pray too. Hopefully, by do Pray, ALLAH SWT will help us to accelerate and makes our labour procession smooth. Amien.

I love to share my experience, my knowledge and hopefully may be useful.
Thank you for reading.

Salam and XOXO


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