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UK Life Part 12: Study tips while u have a newborn Baby #mommystudentlife

Hello Again... two weeks after labor I will share "how I can manage my study while I have a newborn Baby". Alhamdulillah I did my master degree. I was thinking to write about this blog but I wait until I done my study.  Actually, becoming a new MOM is not easy for every woman in the world. Not only me as an international student, but also for every new mom, for an example a working mom also has her own challenges, especially when her maternity leaves is over and has to be back to work. Besides, a full-time mom might have her own story too. However, based on my experience. I can create a short list of study tips for a new mom as follows            1. Pray As a Muslim, I pray 5 times a day. During my prayer, I always ask ALLAH SWT to give me strength so I can fulfill my study and become a great mom without any problems. It gives me hope that Allah SWT always with me so I can through it well. At my main Campus, University of Notti...

My Baby Got Pneumonia and Tips for Moms When Your Baby Hospitalized

Hi Guys It's been a rough week for me and my husband. My baby got pneumonia and had to be hospitalized for a couple of days. On my last blog was about my baby's adaptation ability and unfortunately it still difficult for her to adapt living in Jakarta; the weather, the pollution, the virus, etc. I will flashback how she finally had to be hospitalized. 20th October 2017, Friday: She got fever 38 celsius and couldn't sleep well. 21st October 2017, Saturday: We went to RS. Puri Cinere and the doctor gave her some medicine for her flu and cough. Although it was not antibiotics. (because it was still early stage for baby to get antibiotic) 23rd October 2017, Monday: She was not even getting better, we went to RS. Puri Cinere and met another doctor. Then, the doctor gave her antibiotics. However, she was getting better.  28th October 2017, Friday: She got a fever again and couldn't sleep well. 29th October 2017, Saturday: We went to the hospi...

my baby's adaptation ability

hello again it's been a while yaaa. today I want to share my story related to my baby adaptation ability. On 22nd September 2017, I moved from the United Kingdom back home to Indonesia. Travel with baby 6 months years old was quite challenging. I had to prepare every detail of baby needs and also my stamina. A week before flying to Indonesia, I started to eat and sleep well and also did yoga. During almost 24 hours flight, alhamdulillah we can manage the situation. Although, at the first flight from Birmingham to Istanbul, we had not that comfortable flight. The plane was so hot, and my baby had a pup. But overall, it was still okay. Then, on the second flight from Istanbul to Jakarta, alhamdulillah my baby slept during the flight. When we arrive in Jakarta, my baby had several issues: 1. Jetlag she needs a whole week for adaptation the sleep hour of Indonesian Time. During the daylight, I have to wake up her although she is still sleepy. it's to help he...

UK Life Part 11: #lampauibatasambisimu

Setelah saya menyusui anak saya yang berusia 4 bulan pada 20/0717, Pukul 05.09 Pagi di Nottingham, Inggris, saya melihat dan membaca “postingan” mba Dian Sastro terkait #lampauibatasambisimu. Saya merasa terharu karena ada sosok hebat yang merasakan hal yang serupa dengan saya saat ini. Setahun lalu, saya adalah pegawai disalah satu Bank terbesar di Jakarta. Saya memiliki karir yang baik dan berprestasi namun dibalik itu semua saya memendam ambisi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan master saya di luar negeri. Awal masuk kuliah, 4 months of pregnancy Dan akhirnya saya menikah pada April 2016 lalu dan ambisi saya pun belum terwujud. Ternyata takdir berkata lain, pada Juni 2016 suami saya pun mendapat beasiswa untuk melanjutkan kuliah ke Inggris dan saya telah hamil 6 minggu. Pada saat itu saya berpikir “inilah saatnya saya harus melanjutkan sekolah atau tidak sama sekali”. Kemudian saya memutuskan untuk ikut suami melanjutkan sekolah bersama dan meninggalkan pekerjaan saya. Hal t...

UK Life Part 10: My Husband Got a Babyblues (Oh No!)

Assalamualaikum Hello again I want to share about how I can survive as a new mom at the second and third months after giving birth. At the first month, as I wrote in my previous blog. It was amazing experiences, however at the second month there are some new challenges that made me feel tired but fortunately, we can through it. #Alhamdulillah my little snow white Moreover, as a master student, I plan to finish my study on time. So two weeks after giving birth, I was back to school. Even though, I was still feel in pain and even can't walk straight because of my stitches. Yes, I'm kind of determined person when I pursuing something that I really want which is my master degree. (some friend of mine told me that I'm a stubborn lady hahaha). However, I believe that an education is a big investment for my future and my next generations. And there is no knowledge that can be useless. It's time for women to be educated in many ways. It's not only about ...

UK Life Part 9: How I survive as a new mom at the first month #mommystudentlyfe

Assalamualaikum.. Hello again, it's been 3 months I haven't write anything. Yes,  I'm busy become a new mom and a master student too, it's not easy giving birth and taking care a newborn far away from home, although the health services and facilities in The United Kingdom is better than in Indonesia. The most important are it's FREE! haha However, I start to enjoy my new role. Now my baby already 3 months old. As I mentioned before at the title of the blog,  "How I survive as a new mom at the first month." I still can't believe, I can survive as a new Mom hahaha. I'm not kind of "keibuan or mommy" person. I write this blog to share my experiences on my first month after giving birth and hopefully, maybe other new moms have similar experiences. Additionally, the objective of my writing is as a memory storage, so when I have another baby (In sha Allah but please not now hahaha), I still remember the important things. However, I...

UK Life Part 8: Baby is coming #39weeks

Assalamualaikum Helloooo I would like to share how I'm giving birth at 25th February 2017. When I was 39 weeks of pregnancy, I was a bit worried. Because there was no sign that I'm gonna deliver the baby at 39 weeks of pregnant. My elder sister told me that if I'm giving birth at 40 weeks, there might be implications and probably I will get Caesarean Section. This condition will take a longer time to recovery. Since I'm a master student, I planned to take a normal delivery so I can recovery as soon as possible. However, the student support of my university offers me to take a break for 3 months but it will take a longer time to graduate. Therefore, I decide to take a break about 2 weeks. #stronggalz hahaha On 20th to 24th February I had an extra exercise to stimulate delivery, I did yoga almost every day (I started did yoga two times a week during the second trimester of pregnancy). I did play exercise ball for 500 jumps a day....